Physician Assistant Studies (MPAS)

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Physician Assistant Studies (MPAS) Overview

波胆网站的医师助理研究硕士(MPAS)项目是一个专业 85学分计划,旨在培养高技能和有能力的医疗保健提供者. During the first year of the program, 你将完成两个教学学期,然后继续进行临床轮转,这包括你的第二年. At the end of your second year, you will return to campus to finish coursework.
Program School
Important Dates

Application Deadline

所有的申请都将被及时考虑,如果他们在CASPA得到了充分的验证 October 1. All applications must be submitted through CASPA. 更多信息可以在以下入学要求部分找到.

Credits Required

85 (6 terms)

MPAS是一个全日制队列项目,从秋季学期开始,分六个学期完成 over 24 months.

Explore the Program

Student Manuals

To learn more about being an MPAS student at Chatham, please view our Student Manual (pdf) and our Clinical Student Manual (pdf).

PANCE Success Rate


Graduates of the program have achieved a 94% average first-time pass rate over the past five years on the Physician Assistant National Certification Examination (PANCE).

Explore the MPAS Degree:

The MPAS program is part of Chatham’s School of Health Sciences. 健康科学学院因其受欢迎的医疗保健专业人员而享有很高的声誉. From high first-time certification rates to advanced clinical aptitude, 我们的毕业生进入他们的职业生涯,准备满足患者的需求,并有助于提高他们的组织提供的护理质量.

Learn more about Chatham's MPAS program admissions process, requirements (including prerequisites and recommended coursework), articulation agreements, and information for international applicants:

View Admission Details

PAS602: Clinical Application of Basic Sciences I

An in-depth study of topics in gross human anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology, 支持医师助理课程基本要领的教学. 教学将涉及基础科学,重点是材料的临床应用, utilizing a systems approach.

PAS600: Essentials for the Physician Assistant I

《足球波胆平台》是一本以问题为导向的初级和专科护理医学指南. This course incorporates medical diagnosis and treatment; pharmacotherapeutics; psychosocial assessment and management; patient education; management of patients with chronic illness; clinical decision making; and prevention of disability and disease through detection, education, and prevention. The course is divided into three segments, Units 1, 2, and 3.

PAS637: Clinical Skills for the Physician Assistant I

This skills-based course will cover history, physical examination, documentation of patient data and diagnostic aspects of the head and neck, integumentary, lymphatic, musculoskeletal, pulmonary and cardiac systems. History taking will also be introduced. Course format will include lectures, demonstrations, online simulation modules, and high-fidelity simulation. 

View Full Curriculum

Download Full Curriculum Sequence, 2023-2024 (pdf) 

Download Full Curriculum Sequence, 2024-2025 (pdf) 

You can never teach all of medicine to any one student. If I can teach a student to think, to learn, and to be a compassionate caregiver, then I have made a difference.

— SUSAN HAWKINS, MSED, PA-C, professor emeritus

Decorative image reading Tuition Lock

Tuition Lock Program

为了反映我们对您持续入学和获得学位的承诺, we’ve implemented a tuition lock program for the MPAS, meaning that as long as you are continually enrolled, what you pay in tuition your first year is what you will pay for your second. 

Explore Tuition Lock Program : Checkerboard 1 - Tuition Lock Program

Clinical Rotation Experience

Clinical rotations are a core experience of Chatham’s MPAS training. Through the seven required rotations in Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Emergency Medicine, Women’s Health, Psychiatry/Behavioral Health, Surgery, and various electives, 学生能够成为全面的从业者和医疗团队的坚实成员, as well as fine-tune their career aspirations.

Explore Clinical Rotations : Checkerboard 4 - Clinical Rotation Experience
Decorative image reading Faculty Listing

Program Faculty

If one word could best sum up Chatham's MPAS faculty, it would be engaged. Professors 带来丰富的临床经验和教学经验,在一系列的实践设置. They serve as mentors and advisors and are there for you every step of the way.

Meet the Faculty : Checkerboard 5 - Program Faculty
Decorative image reading Student Profile

Admitted Student Profile (Fall 2023)

  • Matriculated: 63
  • Average age: 24.5
  • Average cumulative overall GPA: 3.74
  • Average cumulative science GPA: 3.71
  • Gender identification: 79% female, 21% male
  • Residence: 20 states represented. 48% in-state, 52% out-of-state
  • Ethnicity identification: 6% Black or African American, 9% Hispanic, 10% Asian, 71% White, 4% Not Reporting

Decorative image reading Integrated Degree Program (IDP)

Integrated Degree Program

波胆网站为未来的本科生提供3+2综合学位课程(IDP),希望加快他们进入硕士课程的道路. 高质量的一年级申请者可能有资格根据高中和本科的表现进入PA项目. 感兴趣的学生应与本科招生团队合作,以帮助申请IDP.

Learn About IDP : Checkerboard 9 - Integrated Degree Program

Support a PA Student

为纪念苏珊从波胆网站退休,名誉教授苏珊霍金斯和私人助理项目主任朱迪特拉斯科特发起了有史以来第一个私人助理学生奖. 学生奖的目的是为完成课程教学阶段的合格PA学生提供认可和经济援助. 

Give Now : Checkerboard 13 - Support a PA Student
Decorative image of the Pi Alpha logo

Pi Alpha Honor Society

Chatham's PA program has a chapter within the Pi Alpha Honor Society. The motto of Pi Alpha is "Scholarship, Service, Leadership.“该组织致力于终身学习和参与智力生活.  

Physician Assistant Studies (MPAS)

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