Ways to Give

你们的支持加强了大学为学生提供卓越学术和获得奖学金机会的能力, both of which are hallmarks of a Chatham education.

Explore Your Options

Whether an outright gift, a pledge or planned gift, 大学发展办公室期待着帮助你确定最适合你的情况和慈善目标的礼物. 

Give Today


Annual Gifts

Gifts to Chatham’s Annual Fund support challenging and innovative academic programs, valuable hands-on learning opportunities, and life-changing scholarships for our students.

Make Your Annual Gift Online

点击下面的按钮,访问我们的安全在线捐赠页面,今天做出你的礼物. 波胆网站接受Visa、万事达卡、Discover、美国运通、移动支付和网络支付.

Give Today

Make Your Annual Gift by Mail

Send your check or money order, payable to Chatham University to:

Chatham University
Office of University Advancement
107 Woodland Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15232

Make Your Annual Gift by Phone

Please call our toll-free gift line, at 1-855-692-4284.

Gifts of Stock

Please use the following information:

Agency: Bessemer Trust Co.
Agent: John McQuade
Email: McQuade@bessemer.com
Phone: 212-708-9363
Account Name: Chatham University
Depository Trust Corporation (DTC) Number: 901 – BNY Mellon, for account 207944 – Bessemer Trust
For Further Credit to: NN3686 – Chatham University Custody

IRA Charitable Rollover/Qualified Charitable Distribution 

Chatham University has partnered with FreeWill, 这是一个在线软件工具,可以让你更容易地从个人退休账户(IRA)中捐款. If you are at least 70 ½ or older, 现在是考虑从你的个人退休账户中拿出合格的慈善分配来做年度礼物的最佳时机. To learn more, visit FreeWill.com/QCD/ChathamU.  
通过“自由意志”开始这个过程,或者这个月联系你的经纪人发起你的礼物,以确保查塔姆在12月29日之前收到它, 2023. 通知你的财务顾问你打算做一个礼物,并注意我们的法定全名是 

Chatham University
Office of University Advancement
107 Woodland Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15232 
Federal Tax ID number: 25-0717890 

如果捐赠人的个人退休账户有捐赠人支票书写特权和/或规定捐款必须在12月31日前存入, the gift must be received by December 31 to ensure deposit before January 1. 

To make a charitable IRA rollover gift, a donor must meet the following criteria: 

  • The gift must be from a traditional or Roth IRA (no 401(k)s, 403(b)s, etc.). 
  • The donor must be at least 70½. 
  • The gift must be to a public charity other than a supporting organization. 
  • The gift must not be to a donor advised fund maintained by the charity. 
  • The gift must be outright (no life income arrangements). 
  • The gift, combined with other qualifying IRA charitable rollover gifts made during the year, must not exceed $100,000.  

Wire Transfers

Please use the following information:


Bank: Dollar Bank
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
ABA (Routing) Number: 243074385
Account Number: 52673684794
Name on Account: Chatham University

If Denominated in USD

Bank: Dollar Bank | Pittsburgh, PA
Dollar Bank Account Number: 52673684794
Dollar Bank Account Name: Chatham University General Account

If Denominated in Foreign Currency (Wells Fargo will convert to USD):

Intermediary Swift: WFBIUS6WFFX
Intermediary Bank: WELLS FARGO | San Francisco
Beneficiary Swift: DBNKUS3P
Beneficiary Bank: DOLLAR BANK | Pittsburgh, PA
Dollar Bank Account Number: 52673684794
Dollar Bank Account Name: Chatham University General Account

你可以设定一个承诺,并根据你选择的时间表定期付款,随着时间的推移完成你的礼物. To establish your pledge to Chatham, please email the Office of Annual Giving or call 412-365-1262.

Setting up a recurring gift is a great, budget-friendly way to help Chatham by providing steady, reliable funding for students and faculty through a monthly, quarterly or annual gift to Chatham.

For example, you can join the 1869 Society, which recognizes donors giving $1,000 or more per year, with a monthly recurring gift of $83.33. To establish a recurring gift to Chatham, please visit our secure online giving form and check the “Recurring” box, or contact the Office of Annual Giving by email (AnnualFund@bukatara.com) or phone at 412-365-1262.

When you make a gift to Chatham, you have the opportunity to honor friends, colleagues, and loved ones or acknowledge the passing of someone special.

Make Your Gift Online

点击下面的按钮,访问我们的安全在线捐赠页面,今天做出你的礼物. 波胆网站接受Visa、万事达卡、Discover、美国运通、移动支付和网络支付.

在“荣誉礼物”或“纪念礼物”一栏打勾,并写上你要纪念或纪念的人的名字. If you would like us to notify the individual or family of the individual, please email Chatham University's Annual Fund the recipient's name and address.

Give Today

Make Your Gift by Mail

Honorary and memorial gifts can also be mailed to the address below. 请包括你要用你的贡献来纪念或纪念的个人的名字. If you would like us to notify the individual or family of the individual, you should also include the recipient's name and address with your contribution.

Checks, payable to Chatham University, can be mailed to:

Chatham University
Office of University Advancement
107 Woodland Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15232

If you have any questions regarding your honorary or memorial gift, please email the Office of Annual Giving or call 412-365-1262.

Obituary Information

If you would like to direct memorial gifts to Chatham in an obituary, we offer the following sample language:

  • 为纪念____________,捐款可能会被送到波胆网站,而不是鲜花. 支付给波胆网站的支票可以邮寄到以下地址:波胆网站, Office of University Advancement, Woodland Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15232.
  • The family of ________ requests that memorial gifts be sent to Chatham University. Memorial gifts can be mailed to: Chatham University, Office of University Advancement, Woodland Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15232.

Named Funds

如果你有兴趣建立一个命名基金,以纪念或纪念一个朋友或亲人, please contact University Advancement at 412-365-1349.

许多公司将员工的贡献与他们的学院或大学相匹配. 请访问您公司的人力资源部,了解如何加倍, or even triple, your gift to Chatham!

Scholarships give Chatham students the opportunity to become the leaders of tomorrow, 用于建设和教育体验的资本捐赠是对查塔姆富有远见的未来的投资. 

Endowed Student Scholarships

Endowed scholarships have long played a vital role in Chatham's history, enabling students to pursue their educational goals, regardless of their financial situation. 查塔姆学院几乎100%的本科生都享受学生奖学金和经济援助.

波胆网站的捐赠奖学金在2020-2021学年为学生提供了100多万美元的支持. 然而,查塔姆学院每年提供超过1400万美元的经济援助和奖学金. More than ever, 新的奖学金对于为这些学生提供负担得起的、容易获得的教育至关重要.

冠名捐赠奖学金的金额为5万美元,可在5年内支付. 如果你想了解更多关于在查塔姆建立捐赠基金的信息,请 email Amanda Kile, Assistant Vice President of Development or call 412-365-1349.

Expendable Student Scholarships

支持学生在查塔姆国际事务研究所的四年学习,设立一项指定的、可使用的奖学金. 一次性奖学金为我们的学生提供了宝贵的即时经济支持来源. 你每年都会收到一份从你的慷慨中受益的学生的最新情况.  

An annual commitment of $2,每年500美元,为期四年,创造了一种可消耗的奖学金,支持一个学生完成整个教育. You can establish a scholarship individually or with one or more classmates. Set up a recurring annual scholarship payment using our secure online giving form or contact Dana DePasquale, Director of Individual Giving, at 412-365-1517 or ddepasquale@bukatara.com.

Other Endowed Opportunities

Growing the endowment is an ongoing priority for Chatham University. 查塔姆的捐赠基金由多个独立的基金组成,这些基金可以永久产生收入. Only the interest and appreciation earned is used for current programs and services, ensuring the permanent existence of these funds.

In total, Chatham University has more than 190 endowed funds. 波胆网站捐赠基金的很大一部分每年通过为学生奖学金等关键领域提供资金来协助一般业务预算, faculty endowments, program endowments, and funds to support the maintenance of the University’s historic properties.

If you are interested in establishing an endowed fund at Chatham, please email Amanda Kile, Assistant Vice President of Development or call 412-365-1349.

一个计划好的礼物为你提供了一个机会,让你把慈善礼物整合到你的整体财务中, tax and estate plan. 

Visit Our Planned Giving Website


The 1869 Society

Chatham University's 1869 Society recognizes donors contributing leadership level gifts of $1,000 or more to the University on an annual basis (July 1 to June 30). 我们感谢通过每年的支持向查塔姆国际事务研究所表示深切承诺的捐助方.


The Peggy Donaldson ‘44 Scholarship Circle

Peggy Donaldson ' 44奖学金圈表彰那些以至少50美元的礼物设立奖学金的校友和捐赠者,000. 会员致力于使波胆网站的学生能够追求他们的教育目标, regardless of their financial situation. 他们的慈善事业对于为我们的学生提供负担得起的、容易接受的教育至关重要.

Photo of Dilworth Hall

The Dilworth Society

迪尔沃斯协会是在查塔姆学院125周年之际成立的,旨在表彰那些希望在遗产规划中记住波胆网站的人. These plans—such as bequests, trusts or life income gifts—provide a legacy that benefit both Chatham and the donor. The Society is named for Joseph Dilworth, one of Chatham's founders and Board of Trustees member, whose bequest for $10,000 established the building fund for the original Dilworth Hall. For more information, please contact Dana DePasquale, Director of Individual Giving, ddepasquale@bukatara.com or (412) 365-1517.

Photo of Chatham University's Shadyside Campus in the fall

Anniversary Walk Bricks

  • Anniversary Walk bricks are available for gifts of $150 or more.
  • Centerpiece bricks are available for gifts of $300 or more.
  • 收益的一小部分将用于购买和安装您的周年纪念步行砖, with remaining dollars support our students, programs, and centers as a tax-deductible gift to Chatham's Annual Fund.
  • If you have any questions, please email the Office of Annual Giving or call 412-365-1262.

Order a Brick : Checkerboard 5 - Anniversary Walk Bricks