Student Honor Code


The Honor Code of Chatham University ("Chatham" or "the University") sets forth a set of standards of student behavior and conduct that are grounded in the values embodied in Chatham's 任务 and 值 Statements as well as other Chatham policies and rules. The Honor Code provides a framework to address allegations that a student (including 学生, student organizations, athletic teams or other affiliated groups) failed to uphold the standards set forth herein. 

The Honor Code is intended to foster and strengthen a learning, 生活, and working community that is committed to excellence in all endeavors, 诚实, personal integrity and accountability, and respect for the rights, opinions and well-being of others, and whose members are committed to having these and the other Chatham values inform the choices they make.  

Students are expected to familiarize themselves with their responsibilities under the Honor Code. Failure to do so will not constitute an excuse for failing to meet these responsibilities. The Honor Code is comprised of two distinct policies: Student Behavior and Conduct and the Academic Integrity Policy. Review the Student Handbook to learn more about the Honor Code related to Student Behavior and Conduct.

View Student Handbook

How to Report

Allegations that a Chatham student, 学生, student organization or athletic team engaged in Prohibited Conduct may be brought forward in one of two ways:

  1. any Chatham student, 教师, or staff member may report the alleged Prohibited Conduct to the Assistant Dean of Students or Dean of Students (in person, 通过电话, or in writing, including email).Written Complaints should be emailed to and include: the name of the Complainant; the specific provision(s) of the Honor Code allegedly violated; the names of all known witnesses who may have information concerning the allegation(s); and all known facts about the violation(s) being alleged.
  2. by submitting a written Complaint through the ONLINE FORM to the Dean of Students Office. The form may be submitted anonymously. 一般, the more information a report includes, the more helpful the report will be to the Office of Student Affairs in moving forward.  

The Dean of Students, Assistant Dean of Students, and the Office of Student Affairs also have access to other Chatham reports and internal communications (e.g., Incident Reports, Campus Security Authority (CSA) reports, reports from the Office of Campus Police) which, if they refer to conduct or action that constitute Prohibited Conduct under the Honor Code, will be considered a report or reporting for purposes of the Honor Code. In addition, the Dean of Students and Assistant Dean of Students may be notified of incidents from off-campus agencies (i.e. police reports, reports from local universities) and can use these reports to pursue action if the conduct described constitutes Prohibited Conduct.